I got out the sewing machine today
for the first time since Ellie's been born!!
I wanted to make a simple sling so I can wear the girly on my hip now.
Pictures of that to come once my "model" wakes up from her nap :)
While I was at it Matt reminded me that we needed a curtain to cover up the spot where our dishwasher will eventually go,
so Ellie and I went to Craft Warehouse and tested out our new sling!
We found the perfect fun fabric for our kitchen. I love it!

I couldn't just stop there with the curtain since I had a little left over!
So I added some to an orange kitchen towel.
I also have been wanting to try and sew a ruffle on something, so that got added too!!
(And yes, those are Ninja Turtles on each side of the stove, can't separate a boy his and toys!)

A close up!

And because I had some of the ruffle fabric left over,
I decided to make a cute paci leash as well.

It sure felt good to be reunited with my sewing machine.
What can/should I make next??