Dear Length of a package of Oreo's (or 11inch long) baby girl,
Yes, the email this week actually compared you to oreos! For the record your dad like the double stuffed ones and likes to combine 2 of those together! If I was feeding you oreos this week, you might also be able to taste them. Time to step up the broccoli and brussel sprouts for ya :)
Speaking of things I am feeding you, I am noticing when you get a little sugar, like from the apple I was eating yesterday, you are moving up a storm in my belly. The neatest feeling. I love it! Your daddy keeps putting his hands on you when were hanging out at home and I always hope you'll give him something he can feel, but we know that is still a little ways off. We'll be patient for you! You are so worth it.
You got some clothes in the mail this week from your Reno Grandma, we gotta come up with what we're going to call her....I know Grandma might be hard to take for someone who is perpetually 29 years old! (Right mom??) I can tell she is excited to meet you and having fun picking out things for you. Some of the clothes are for a newborn and are so teensy tiny. When I showed them to your dad, he was like, is that really going to fit her? I love the stripes and polka dot tiny tee shirts and your daddy loves the little "beanies". Of course he does, as he is rarely without a hat or beanie.
I can't wait to see you in those clothes, to hold you and snuggle you in your blankets! I recently found my baby blanket and thought it will be so special for you to use as well. It was made by your Great Grandma, who you hopefully, are going to be named after. Her name is Ellouise and as of right now, we still love Ellie. For me, that is your name, no ifs ands or buts about it, I am set on it, but your daddy still wants to look at some name books. I think it will be the one though! As we laid in our bed last night talking about you I asked him if we can just make it so already, I don't need to look in a book.
We love to talk about you. I don't think a day goes by that we don't talk about you or something related to you, or our dreams for us a family, or how we will/want to do things. We love you baby girl! We are so excited to be your parents!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Her room: Inspirations....
Here are some of my nursery inspirations so far. I do love the bird silhouettes and like I mentioned before I can see them as some what of a theme, but I don't want to go to overboard with the bird idea either.
I like the branches of this tree and the birds out of different papers but wouldn't use the quote.
I like this tree even better, it is more the overall idea I want to do for a mural.
Love the embroidery hoops collections with fun fabrics!

Love the vintage baby dresses!

Love the vintage baby dresses!
Things I *think* I want for sure: light buttery yellow walls, a tree mural with leaves cut out of different cool patterned papers, some art prints from Etsy! (like above), an embroidery hoop collection on another wall, her name somewhere in the room....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
For the Grandma in Reno and Auntie Chare'!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Week 21 letter
Dear Carrot Sized Baby Girl,
Some of the emails measure you head to bum and others head to foot. Head to foot this week you are about 10 ½ inches long approximately. From here on out according the books and emails, babies grow at different rates. I also know you are practicing swallowing this week and tasting what I am tasting and I REALLY know you are moving in there!
Yesterday, all afternoon as I sat at my desk, it felt like you were doing gymnastics! It was so neat! I look forward to the day when your daddy will be able to feel you kicking on the outside, right now the feelings are still all felt inside. It’ll come though.
Each day now and going forward is really just such a blessing. Your daddy and I both are just so excited and happy where were at and for what is to come! I am working on getting used to calling you: her and she! I was so used to saying It, but I am happy to call you my little girl! Right now, our top name pick is Ellie and I can see myself calling you “Ellie-girl” as a nickname. I really do love the name Ellie and hope it is the one we stick with, it just feels so right.
You are getting spoiled all ready, little lady! Your Grandma Talbot (my mom) called to let me know she’s sending a box of a bunch of cute pink stuff that she picked out for you. I can tell she is very excited about you. And just yesterday, Matt came home to find a can of chalkboard paint tied with a ribbon and note from your future friend, Nelida Dalgas and her parents. I know we will have fun with that as you get to that age where you want to scribble and draw and practice writing your name.
I hope to always give you opportunities to be creative and artsy. Even if it doesn’t become a passion for you as you grow older, which is totally fine, I know that something will, I do want to expose you to creating with all kinds of things at a young age. Finger painting, chalk, crayons, makers, fabric, yarn, toilet paper rolls!, things collected from outdoors, rocks, whatever! I want to encourage you to dream and make things with your hands and what is around you. I can't wait to do those things together :)
I love you little lady! So so much!
Some of the emails measure you head to bum and others head to foot. Head to foot this week you are about 10 ½ inches long approximately. From here on out according the books and emails, babies grow at different rates. I also know you are practicing swallowing this week and tasting what I am tasting and I REALLY know you are moving in there!
Yesterday, all afternoon as I sat at my desk, it felt like you were doing gymnastics! It was so neat! I look forward to the day when your daddy will be able to feel you kicking on the outside, right now the feelings are still all felt inside. It’ll come though.
Each day now and going forward is really just such a blessing. Your daddy and I both are just so excited and happy where were at and for what is to come! I am working on getting used to calling you: her and she! I was so used to saying It, but I am happy to call you my little girl! Right now, our top name pick is Ellie and I can see myself calling you “Ellie-girl” as a nickname. I really do love the name Ellie and hope it is the one we stick with, it just feels so right.
You are getting spoiled all ready, little lady! Your Grandma Talbot (my mom) called to let me know she’s sending a box of a bunch of cute pink stuff that she picked out for you. I can tell she is very excited about you. And just yesterday, Matt came home to find a can of chalkboard paint tied with a ribbon and note from your future friend, Nelida Dalgas and her parents. I know we will have fun with that as you get to that age where you want to scribble and draw and practice writing your name.
I hope to always give you opportunities to be creative and artsy. Even if it doesn’t become a passion for you as you grow older, which is totally fine, I know that something will, I do want to expose you to creating with all kinds of things at a young age. Finger painting, chalk, crayons, makers, fabric, yarn, toilet paper rolls!, things collected from outdoors, rocks, whatever! I want to encourage you to dream and make things with your hands and what is around you. I can't wait to do those things together :)
I love you little lady! So so much!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
love this!

Even though I have...errr....had! every intention of making my own Diaper Bag as I have for a couple friends in the past as well as plan to make diaper bags for a few other preggo friends coming up......I have completely fallen in love with this bag! I think I will be saving my pennies for it, or requesting it as a birthday present. I think I can safely's THE ONE!.....i love it! It will even look good when Matt carries it too, the grey makes it man-friendly, don't ya think!
P.S. Now that we know She's a she, you'll be seeing lots more things I like and inspiration for her room making their way onto the blog!
P.S.S. I think I am feeling birds as somewhat of a theme, you'll see what I mean when you see more of my inspirations coming soon!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Week 20 letter
Dear baby GIRL!!!,
Yes, that's right! This week we found out such special news, that you are a GIRL! We couldn't be happier and are so excited to now be referring to you as she or her. You are exactly what we both wanted. Not that we would have been disappointed if you were a boy, but it was just really neat to see that you were what I thought you were all along and what your daddy decided just recently he wanted.
Little lady, we just can't wait to meet you! We got to see tons of pictures of you at the ultrasound and everything looked great. You were completely folded in half with you feet up by your face for most of it and we watched you knee yourself in the head a couple times. It was soo cute and funny. The tech said you were quite the wiggle worm and wouldn't stay still which I am sure you get from your daddy!
We are at the Oktoberfest this weekend, staying with your grandparents in Mt. Angel, the town I grew up in and feeding you lots of fish tacos and other yummy things. Next year will be fun to have you on the outside of me and showing you off to everyone. This morning we played with your Auntie Gracie who snuggled right up on your daddy's lap and loved on him. I could tell how much it meant to him and knew right then and there you will have him wrapped around your little fingers. Here's a little tip: Let him teach you about hot rods when you get a little older and I am sure he will share all HIS toys with you! :) That's right, I said his! Just wait until you see the collection I am talking about!
Speaking of your Auntie Gracie, she will be three years older than you when you are born and I am sure you will be close friends because of it. How neat for both of you! And I know Zach will play the protector for you too as he does for Grace.
You are soooo loved by so many people, who were also so excited to hear you are a girl and who can't wait to meet you either.
We love you baby girl!!!
P.S. For the record, you are the size of a large cantaloupe this week, head to bum or the length of a banana, head to feet. The ultrasound also told us you weigh 10 oz! and your mama has gained 1 pound to match each one of those ounces from the beginning of getting pregnant, so 10lbs total now! (Which the midwife says is right on track, thankfully :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Week 19 letter
Dear 6" Subway sandwich sized babe,
Wow! 6 inches long from head to bum, which means you're actually bigger than that including your legs! I can't believe it, I also can't believe we are almost 1/2 way through the pregnancy. I am thinking about you a lot little babe. I wonder all the time what you will look like, be like, everything! We get to see you on the ultrasound in just 8 days and I can't wait!
Your daddy is touching, poking, pinching, rubbing, patting my belly A LOT!! I am trying to get better about not swatting away his hand but it really does take some getting used to! Maybe it is just preparing me for all the people that will just reach out and touch my belly in the coming months!
Speaking of my belly, if I thought I was popping out a few weeks ago that was nothing, I think now I am finally seeing the true popping out of the belly. A few people have noticed it too and let me know! Which I love because, I want to look pregnant not just big :) I catch your daddy looking at me from the side as we will be walking somewhere all the time. We have been talking about you together so much and I love it. I love the dreaming and planning and that I get to do it with him. It makes me feel like were building a strong team together.
I just sent the deposit for our labor "preparation" class today which I'll share more on later but it felt good to know we have a plan for that and we will get to spend 6 weeks, 3 hours a week at a class learning all about how to bring you into the world! It's in Portland on Saturdays and I am sure we will make the most of those 6 Saturdays in Portland as well after our class by visiting McMenamins or some of our other favorite spots. That too will be a special time for just your daddy and I as we prepare for you to come, just getting to spend those last weeks before you come with some quality time together. We know that the best thing we can do for you is be strong in our marriage and though we have certainly had some bumps in the road, we have also come so far and I have such a faith and trust in us. I love your daddy so much! Through good times and bad, and happy and sad! I know, I know, THAT was cheesy!
Another cool thing we plan to do for you is to use cloth diapers. We have decided to use the brand Fuzzibunz after talking to a friend who uses them and just this morning when I was checking one of the blogs I follow, I discovered they are doing a giveaway to set up a family with free diapers from Fuzzibunz. This would be so great for us to win since one of the main reasons we have decided to go with cloth is the financial aspect and savings! Yes, they are a investment to start with but the savings over the entire time you'll be in diapers is HUGE! Like $2K plus huge! and saving that money and any money we can for that matter means, the sooner I can stay home more with you.
We are working toward that little babe! I want you to know that! We want for me to be able to be with you as much as possible and as soon as we can, I will work less and less but for now or the next couple years I am going to have to continue to work part time. We have already begun to make sacrifices and save and pay off our debt to achieve that and when I think about it, those sacrifices are nothing compared to what we will be getting in return! We love you soo much our little Sandwich baby! We can't wait to see you next week at our appointment!
love always,
Wow! 6 inches long from head to bum, which means you're actually bigger than that including your legs! I can't believe it, I also can't believe we are almost 1/2 way through the pregnancy. I am thinking about you a lot little babe. I wonder all the time what you will look like, be like, everything! We get to see you on the ultrasound in just 8 days and I can't wait!
Your daddy is touching, poking, pinching, rubbing, patting my belly A LOT!! I am trying to get better about not swatting away his hand but it really does take some getting used to! Maybe it is just preparing me for all the people that will just reach out and touch my belly in the coming months!
Speaking of my belly, if I thought I was popping out a few weeks ago that was nothing, I think now I am finally seeing the true popping out of the belly. A few people have noticed it too and let me know! Which I love because, I want to look pregnant not just big :) I catch your daddy looking at me from the side as we will be walking somewhere all the time. We have been talking about you together so much and I love it. I love the dreaming and planning and that I get to do it with him. It makes me feel like were building a strong team together.
I just sent the deposit for our labor "preparation" class today which I'll share more on later but it felt good to know we have a plan for that and we will get to spend 6 weeks, 3 hours a week at a class learning all about how to bring you into the world! It's in Portland on Saturdays and I am sure we will make the most of those 6 Saturdays in Portland as well after our class by visiting McMenamins or some of our other favorite spots. That too will be a special time for just your daddy and I as we prepare for you to come, just getting to spend those last weeks before you come with some quality time together. We know that the best thing we can do for you is be strong in our marriage and though we have certainly had some bumps in the road, we have also come so far and I have such a faith and trust in us. I love your daddy so much! Through good times and bad, and happy and sad! I know, I know, THAT was cheesy!
Another cool thing we plan to do for you is to use cloth diapers. We have decided to use the brand Fuzzibunz after talking to a friend who uses them and just this morning when I was checking one of the blogs I follow, I discovered they are doing a giveaway to set up a family with free diapers from Fuzzibunz. This would be so great for us to win since one of the main reasons we have decided to go with cloth is the financial aspect and savings! Yes, they are a investment to start with but the savings over the entire time you'll be in diapers is HUGE! Like $2K plus huge! and saving that money and any money we can for that matter means, the sooner I can stay home more with you.
We are working toward that little babe! I want you to know that! We want for me to be able to be with you as much as possible and as soon as we can, I will work less and less but for now or the next couple years I am going to have to continue to work part time. We have already begun to make sacrifices and save and pay off our debt to achieve that and when I think about it, those sacrifices are nothing compared to what we will be getting in return! We love you soo much our little Sandwich baby! We can't wait to see you next week at our appointment!
love always,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Week 18 letter
Dear Fair-Sized Pickle Babe,
Oooh! There we go again, making my mouth water by the food your compared to this week and baby, let me tell you that I have definitely eaten a lot of pickles lately. But then again, I have always eaten a lot of pickles, pregnant or not! I wonder if you’ll be a pickle lover too, your daddy and I both are!
You are 5 and a ½ inches this week from head to bum! Wow! And last night as I laid in bed, I am sure I felt you moving around in there. Can’t wait for those real kicks or to be able to tell where your head or feet are. You are getting bigger and so am I. Your daddy has taken to patting my belly this week, which I’ll be honest is taking some getting used to and not getting defensive about like I used to. I actually knocked his hand away yesterday while we were on the couch and caused him to spill his drink (which was in his other hand) all over him! He wasn’t so thrilled about the wet shorts but I'll admit I was kinda amused by it!
All in all things are going great, we are slowly but surely working away at the projects we want to have done before you arrive and I’m sure this fall/early winter will keep us busy with those. One project I’m excited about is painting one of the doors in the kitchen with chalkboard paint. It has 2 insets and the top one will be mine for writing grocery lists, menu plans, etc but the bottom will be yours (eventually) to keep you entertained when your hanging out in the kitchen with me. I know it will be awhile after you arrive until you’ll even be able to use it but I love that we are planning it for you now as well as other things. I just hope it doesn’t encourage you to draw on the rest of the doors and walls that are at your level, so we’ll have to be sure to teach you about that! Though something tells me, having your kids draw on a wall they shouldn’t is also just one of those “milestones” that most kids go through!
Your daddy and I talked about the things we do and don’t want to do with you last night, the things that will be treats for you and what won’t, how we will discipline you and about the adventures we want to take you on. We also just talked about how we will live in the day to day and what our time together will be like. I am glad we have these dreams, ideas, and goals, I know some of it will be a real wake up call to us or unexpected or sometimes the reality will be wild and crazy and hard, but I also know that it will be SO SO worth it! We both love you so incredibly much pickle babe! We are so excited to meet you in approx. 22ish more weeks!
your mama
Oooh! There we go again, making my mouth water by the food your compared to this week and baby, let me tell you that I have definitely eaten a lot of pickles lately. But then again, I have always eaten a lot of pickles, pregnant or not! I wonder if you’ll be a pickle lover too, your daddy and I both are!
You are 5 and a ½ inches this week from head to bum! Wow! And last night as I laid in bed, I am sure I felt you moving around in there. Can’t wait for those real kicks or to be able to tell where your head or feet are. You are getting bigger and so am I. Your daddy has taken to patting my belly this week, which I’ll be honest is taking some getting used to and not getting defensive about like I used to. I actually knocked his hand away yesterday while we were on the couch and caused him to spill his drink (which was in his other hand) all over him! He wasn’t so thrilled about the wet shorts but I'll admit I was kinda amused by it!
All in all things are going great, we are slowly but surely working away at the projects we want to have done before you arrive and I’m sure this fall/early winter will keep us busy with those. One project I’m excited about is painting one of the doors in the kitchen with chalkboard paint. It has 2 insets and the top one will be mine for writing grocery lists, menu plans, etc but the bottom will be yours (eventually) to keep you entertained when your hanging out in the kitchen with me. I know it will be awhile after you arrive until you’ll even be able to use it but I love that we are planning it for you now as well as other things. I just hope it doesn’t encourage you to draw on the rest of the doors and walls that are at your level, so we’ll have to be sure to teach you about that! Though something tells me, having your kids draw on a wall they shouldn’t is also just one of those “milestones” that most kids go through!
Your daddy and I talked about the things we do and don’t want to do with you last night, the things that will be treats for you and what won’t, how we will discipline you and about the adventures we want to take you on. We also just talked about how we will live in the day to day and what our time together will be like. I am glad we have these dreams, ideas, and goals, I know some of it will be a real wake up call to us or unexpected or sometimes the reality will be wild and crazy and hard, but I also know that it will be SO SO worth it! We both love you so incredibly much pickle babe! We are so excited to meet you in approx. 22ish more weeks!
your mama
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